Monday 2 January 2012

Welcome 2012!

Welcome welcome welcome!

Can't believe I'm doing this!  Was inspired by Deb Dane at Home Life Simplified.  I am going to start her 52 weeks to simplify your life challenge.  Boy, don't I need it!

Everything in my life seems to need an overhaul right now, and I am well and truly sick of so so many things.

OK onto the challenge:

Week #1 Challenge: Create a list of everything that went “right” in 2011

At this time of year most people are focused on what they want to change, where they feel they failed or did not meet their expectations or previous “resolutions”. We will start in the same tone as my blog and this challenge – positivity! What you focus on will grow and as much as you are here for change I can bet money that you had some successes and blessings in 2011. Some prompts to get you thinking.
What energised you?
Booty (boot camp) - making new friends, entering fun runs, losing weight.
What made you feel happy?
Going out with friends without child or hubby, quiet time on my own, watching my little boy play, seeing him smile at me and getting hugs from him, hearing him laugh.  Finishing fun runs.  Cuddling with my cat.  Nanna naps during the day.
What made you feel at peace?
Not that much really.  I often said that I wanted to take a holiday from myself!  If I did have quiet time I was obsessing or thinking about some weird thought.  Maybe lying there in complete silence, by myself, a brief snatched moment in time, not thinking about anything.  A break in the chaos.
What positive people lifted you up?
BOOTY, Holly, Haydos, Mel, Dave, Caro, Mick.
Quiet snatched moments of time in an otherwise hectic world, reading a book in silence, sleeping in, having a facial, doing a project I enjoy - family history research.
What worked to bring your family together?
Master nearly 3.  Otherwise not that much.
What is something that made you feel excited to dive right in?
Family History research, starting to learn to sew, home renovation, getting back to being more creative.
What did you learn (positive things)?
I like and need to spend some time on my own, just for me and no one else.  Doing something positive just for me, to clear my head and de-stress.  I need to exercise on a regular basis to improve my mood and lift depression.  I need to get out more with friends, whether it be to exercise or socialise.
What are you grateful for?
Master nearly 3, my job, my lifestyle, Hobart, my house, earning good money, friends, getting fitter, attaining some fitness goals.
So, unsure if 2011 was all that great, but there were obviously some successes!  I might build on these as the week progresses, but am excited to dive in head first to a better life :-)
T xxx


  1. Sounds like some great positives there - and 3 is a great age

  2. Congrats on creating the blog and diving in! That is a lot of great positive things - and I also need exercise to fight back on my depression (and have let that go while I was launching and the holidays and feel it!)

    Deb @ home life simplified

  3. Hi Tracey! Boot camp and fun runs! Ahhhhhh envy!! :) I really want to get into the exercise this year too. My girls are sooo clingy (which I think is a result of my anxiety) so I don't get to go out much on my own at all! Hoping that once I'm more relaxed and happier so too will they be! Bring on 2012! XOXO

  4. I totally hear you on needing some time alone/away from kids. Time away really helped me recharge my batteries and I think helped make me a better mama.

    Some other great positives- I am trying to find an exercise regime that works for me now that I am no longer pregnant/breastfeeding {I was pregnant/breastfeeding straight for almost 3 years} - trying a couple different things. Hopefully I can get a bit fitter in the process.

    Best of luck for 2012.

  5. this is a great list you have put together! i love particularly what you have learnt about yourself - exercise seems to be a thing that we all need and never get enough of, it does wonders for our mental health though!
    looking forward to reading more of you throughout Debs challenge!
